Saving 75 children’s lives in Madagascar

With NGO Malaria 40 and Covidec

This donation has saved the lives of 75 kids affected by malaria, through the purchase of treatment packs that include anti-malaria medication, serum, a blood transfusion, and a mosquito net for prevention.

Colaboration: 3.000€

Nutrition and education of shepherd children in Kenya

With the Africa Digna Foundation

Samburu communities are found in northern Kenya with herding their main economic activity. For cultural reasons, Samburu families choose among their members the most intelligent boy or girl who has the ability to graze, care for and guide the animals. Because these shepherd children work all day they do not have the opportunity to go to school and they feed exclusively on milk and tea.

The donation from the Foundation represents a dinner and two hours of class per day for 90 shepherd children during the year 2015.

Here is a video about the lifes of the shephers children.

Colaboration: 5.000€

Water treatment at Monavebe Hospital Cameroon

With the Recover Foundation

The water supply circuit of the Monavebe Hospital, Cameroon, was in very poor condition and contaminated. The entire circuit has been revised, installing a filtration and chlorination system, and cleaning the elevated tank so that the hospital can serve and function better. The project benefits 15,320 people, and indirectly 100,000 more.

Colaboration: 10.000€

Construction of a well in the South of Madgascar

With Covide-AMV

Madagascar has suffered a drought this year that makes cultivation and access to clean water very difficult. The Foundation has financed the construction of a well in the south of the island, specifically on the grounds of a school, which will benefit all its students and the 130 families who live around it.


Colaboration: 1.000€