Education and health in Ethiopia
With Association Alegría Sin Fronteras

The aim of the program is to make sure that the orphans and children in situation of risk of exclusion come and stay at school, through a close follow-up of every child. In essence, it is an education program but the great majority of the pupils lacks of food, access to health care or clothing. For this reason, the program englobes distributions of food, clothes and medical check-ups.
The first steps of the program have been the visits to the families and orphanages to know the reality of each one child and offer the best response.
The program is centered in Meki’s zone, the city and the suburbs, and is carried out in collaboration with the Association Alegría sin Fronteras and the Foundation Paul Hortsmann in Madrid.
Colaboration: 15.500€
Ophthalmology campaigns in schools and villages in Senegal
With Gesta África

In Senegal, ocular diseases are frequent and may be the cause of irreversible blindness, with important socio-economical repercussions. The Department of Health of Senegal, thanks to its National Program Fighting against Blindness, tries to face this issue but the lack of ressources reduces the eficiency of this program.
GESTA-ÁFRICA, by means of a surgical mobile unit (the only unit operating in Senegal), collaborates actively with the official program of the Department. Lydia R. Massaguer, Chairwoman and Project coordinator is trusted by the competent authorities to organize the campaigns of interventions of cataracts and infantile reviews.
Both ophthalmological campaigns, which Gesta will realize in May and November, financed by the Nuria García Foundation for the infantile part, will attend to approximately 1000 children, realizing surgical interventions and sight controls.
Colaboration: 13.000€
Children’s clinic and de-parasitizing centre in Cameroon
With ANepal Foundation

This project consisted of establishing a medical clinic in a very deprived area. The foundation financed both construction and the equipment required for the clinic, which included booths, a delivery room, a nursing room and a small dispensary.
In addition, the new clinic is both the one-stop centre for de-parasitization for the children of the area and the centre where quarterly campaigns in schools are organised and implemented with the help of local healthcare professionals, the aim being to raise awareness regarding the need for hygiene and nutrition while simultaneously treating and preventing infectious, mainly parasitic, diseases.
Colaboration: 10.000€
New secondary-school classroom in the school “Los Zafiros” in Madagascar
With the NGO Proyecto Juntos

The objective of the Project is to extend and improve both school attendance and the educational level of the poorest children of Tulear by guaranteeing their nutrition and schooling in the “Los Zafiros” school as a means of combatting child labour (in the sapphire mines) and sexual exploitation.
Aid is provided in the form of shelter and protection for the children, who receive a balanced midday meal and a snack – all of which constitute key elements in favour of a family deciding to educate its children.
Colaboration: 8.300€
A new well for the Ambovombe school in Madagascar
With Association Malaria 40