Ophthalmology programs in schools and villages in Senegal

With Gesta Africa

The Foundation continues to care for Senegal. Eye diseases, both in adult and children patients, are very common and varied and could be the origin of irreversible blindness with very considerable socio-economic repercussions/impact.

Through a mobile surgical unit, we collaborate in campaigns for child check-ups and interventions, improving the lives of about 1.000 children a year.

Contribution: 5.000€

Taking care of orphan children in Uganda

With Babies Uganda Association

The Babies Uganda association was born in November 2011 to help an orphanage that was going to close due to lack of financial means. The children who arrive to Babies House have a malnutrition situation, neglect, or disease. The entity will continue to equip the Kikaya’s House to continue welcoming as many children as possible and to give them a better quality of life, as many of them have been rescued from certain death.

The Foundation’s contribution will be dedicated to equipping the children’s play area and bedroom and comes from Air-Val International’s Eau my BB solidarity product helping 105 children.

Contribution: 6.000€

New primary school classroom in Senegal

With Guné Foundation

The expansion of the school in the village of Saré Lountang, guarantees access to quality secondary education for more than 60 kids between the ages of 6 and 12 who live in the Kolda region, one of the Senegalese populations with the most difficulties has to secure these studies.

Contribution: 6.500€

Infant Home in Guinea-Bissau

With SILO Association

The main objective of this project is to take care of children with malnutrition problems, which will reduce the risk of death from this cause.

To achieve this objective, we have contributed to the repair and start-up of the nutrition center, providing food and medicine to children in the area, in which we have several professionals who carry out awareness-raising tasks both in the town of Gambasse, as well as in other populations.

Contribution: 18.300€

Cradle for reanimation unit in Obout, Cameroon

With Recover Foundation

This project aims to help all babies who are born in difficult conditions in Cameroon and need an incubator to survive. After almost two years in operation, the Obout dispensary has become a point of reference for the entire area. Between 15 and 20 deliveries are attended per month, but many babies die at birth due to lack of resources, due to cases of uncontrolled early pregnancies or mothers with poor health.

In this case, the resuscitation unit crib helps save up to 160 babies each year.

The Foundation has financed this project with a percentage of the sales of the solidarity brand Eau My BB created by Air-Val International. People who buy a product from this range for their baby, at the same time support projects in favor of the neediest children.

Contribution: 10.000€

Support to disabled children in Ghana

With the Foundation OAfrica

Children born with disabilities are at a higher risk of being abandoned, either in an institution or on the street. The OAfrica NGO’s Family Support program is the main initiative implemented to keep children out of orphanages and into their own families. Specially trained social workers develop an individualized care plan to ensure that each child receives the necessary care.

As many families are not financially or physically capable of supporting their children due to their disability, OAfrica offers them specialized care through the Family Support program.

Family Support includes: regular visits by specially trained social workers, nutritional support, rental of housing within rural communities, payment of fees and school supplies, medical care, psychological care, conditional cash transfers, income-generating activities, training for parents, access to government social services and legal support.

The objective of the project is to favor the inclusion of 250 children between 2 and 12 years old, especially those who have some type of disability, so that they can access and receive schooling appropriate to their needs.

Contribution: 10.000€

Water tank and solar panels

With Casa Mali Association

This project for the construction of a water tank and solar panels increases the level and health quality in the population of the Djelibani village, improving sanitation, hygiene and the habitability conditions of the children.

Specifically, we have covered the need for water, combined with the traditional means of obtaining it and other more modern ones based on the use of renewable energy, directly helping 300 children.

Contribution: 7.000€