Children in rescue vessels
With Save the Children

The Foundation supports the project of Save the Children: the boat that has rescued this year more than 400 children of which 80 % is not accompanied minors.
In waters of the Mediterranean off the coasts of Sicily, Italy. They offer medical treatment and essential services as food and dry clothes. In addition, they create secure areas for the children and propose games, drawing and painting material to help them to overcome the dramatic experience. 1 of every 3 refugees that starts the trip is a child.
Colaboration: 3.500€
Aid for children in the Kalochori camp
With Barcelona Human Aid in Greece

The foundation, in conjunction with the NGO Barcelona Human Aid, lent support for child refugees in the refugee camp in Greece by financing dental health and ophthalmological programmes for children in Kalochori before the camp was closed.
Colaboration: 1.000€
Creating a future for Kathmandu orphans in Nepal