Educational Center in Alta Verapaz Guatemala

With Vitamundi Asociation 

We continue to contribute to the social transformation of indigenous women. CPF Ratz’um Kiché is the only center in charge of educating indigenous communities in the area, one of the poorest and with the highest illiteracy rates in Central America.

Currently, the Secondary and Baccalaureate levels are taught, educating 151 girls between the ages of 13 and 18.

Contribution: 8.000€

Foster home in Cusco Peru

With Amantaní Association

We contribute to the health and nutrition project that aims to strengthen and guarantee the health care provided to the 67 babies, children, and teenagers living in this Foster Home in Cusco.

The purpose is to enable the detection and prevention of diseases, as well as ensuring the nutritional care and wellbeing of these children.

Contribution: 5.181€ + 2nd Phase 2020: 5.181€